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WebABA P&G Ideas Portal


Showing 15

Closed Case automatically created when clicking on notes tab if all cases are closed

When a case is closed and there is an attempt to review the progress notes from the side pane "notes" icon, it automatically creates a new case. Can this be fixed so that cases are not created unless we actually select "case".
Guest almost 2 years ago in General 1 Future consideration

Client Messaging

Is it possible that we have the option to create a signature block for client messaging. This would be helpful so that we dont have to type it out each time we send a message and the clients will be able to identify the department or specialist th...
Guest about 2 years ago in General 0 Future consideration

Improvement suggestions when closing a case

Once the discharge note is written and the case is closed, in order for the clinician to e-sign the closed note, they have to go back to cases, then go back in and select "close info" tab to see the e-sign button. Most of my clinicians have compla...
Guest about 2 years ago in General 0 Future consideration

Allow supervisor ability to sign/approve Assessments and Treatment Plans

It would be nice if the Supervisor was notified when a behavior assessment, treatment plan, and discharge summary has been completed by a clinician, just like it does when a progress note is done. I imagine that it will appear in the alerts sectio...
Guest about 2 years ago in General 0 Future consideration

Have similar drop menu options for client and staff documents

would like to have same drop menu options as well as editable, for documents under client as well as staff.
Guest almost 3 years ago in General 0 Future consideration