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WebABA P&G Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories General
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 10, 2022

Allow supervisor ability to sign/approve Assessments and Treatment Plans

It would be nice if the Supervisor was notified when a behavior assessment, treatment plan, and discharge summary has been completed by a clinician, just like it does when a progress note is done. I imagine that it will appear in the alerts section just like the progress notes alert. The clinician should not be able to sign any of these documents until reviewed/signed by Supervisor. Once signed by Supervisor, it would be nice for the clinician to then also be notified of the specific document that is ready for signature. When needed, clinicians should also be able to sign all documents in bulk like the Supervisor rather than individually. With so many alerts/notifications, the clinician will often times miss something since it is set up to only go in and sign individually. Basically, they should have the same option as the Supervisor which gives the option to "approve/sign checked items" once reviewed/signed by Sup. This should also be allowed for progress notes, once they have been reviewed by Supervisor
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