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Status Future consideration
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Created by Guest
Created on Oct 18, 2023

Active & Archived Service Types

I noticed that if the name or the code of a Service type is changed/updated, it reflects all the way back in time to any/all appts that were associated with the Service type, which results in a change to the medical record and that is really bad record keeping. Unfortunately, I noticed it too late and was not able to back the appts.
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  • Guest
    Oct 12, 2023
    Hello, I noticed that if I un-archive a "service type" and I make changes/edits, instead of only making the change going forward, the changes/edits will go all the way back in time to old appointments/schedule. It is a concern since it can become an issue down the line. Or we should not be able to unarchive a service types and make changes to it.