Once the discharge note is written and the case is closed, in order for the clinician to e-sign the closed note, they have to go back to cases, then go back in and select "close info" tab to see the e-sign button. Most of my clinicians have complained to me about this as they find it very cumbersome and confusing. Can this be adjusted so the the e-sign button is present just like it is when writing a regular progress note. Can this also forward to the Supervisor for signature as well. Also, once the case is closed, if we need to re-open the case for any reason, the discharge summary looses its original signature from clinician. All the discharge info remains in place but the signature is lost, which is very bad for record keeping. It would be great if we could close the case when necessary, however still able to give another clinician access to the clinical records if needed for review, etc. In most instances, a client returns for services after discharging and is then assigned to another clinician who then starts a new case but the new clinician needs access to review the old case documentation. Most importantly, we loose the initial signature from the discharge summary. Another thing I noticed is that if you search for a case by clicking on the "notes" icon on left pane, and the case is closed, it will automatically create a new case which in most instances we are not trying to create new, we are just trying to review a case that has already been created. Is there a way to stop this from automatically creating a new case. Hope this makes sense.