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WebABA P&G Ideas Portal

Billing & Payments

Showing 27

BILLING - Page # options at top and bottom of screen

It would be helpful to have the choice to go from page to page of claims at both the top and bottom of the screen. i.e. claims awaiting submission, process existing claims, ERA's, really all of the billing tabs would make things so much easier.
CAROLYNN SCHROEDER 5 days ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

Ability to mark when a Prior Authorization has been submitted and again when it is approved.

It would be great if we can input a requested PA once it's submitted and mark it approved when it get's approved.
Meshulum Y Klugmann 5 months ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

Add Current Therapist Assigned as criteria pulled when running the authorization report

When running the authorization report there should be a selectable criteria that shows who the assigned BCBA is for that account. The information is already housed in several places. As is, I have to run the report with 100s of names and lines and...
Guest 3 months ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

Complete Ledger Report

I want to be able to see everything owed by a specific payor, client, month, or everything all at once. Pulling individual clients is incredibly annoying.
Guest over 1 year ago in Billing & Payments 1 Future consideration

Ability to add non-insurance Authorizations (grants, school, etc)

I have an authorization for hours through a local school district. I'm currently unable to track that authorization in WebABA- I created a non-CPT code, but can't actually add an authorization to track utilization of the code.
Guest over 2 years ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

Provide option to turn off midpoint rounding of units (Custom rounding rules for units)

Some payers require a full 15 minutes of service be provided before a single unit can be billed- in our case, it's Medical Assistance in Pennsylvania. Without the option to turn off midpoint rounding, your system is virtually unusable for billing ...
Mary Strausser 3 months ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

Itemized billing for HSA and Patient's General Receipts

Would like to be able to provide itemized statement for HSA card receipt's and patients general receipts.
Guest 5 months ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

The ability to bill claims under inactive Insurance policies as long as the sessions pertain to that coverag

Have the ability to bill claims under inactive Insurance policies as long as the sessions pertain to that coverage period. Please reference Case #00683468
Guest 8 months ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

Improve workflow of Corrected claims/resubmissions

It would be great if you added an "edit" option to submit a corrected claim instead of having to delete all payments, and having to re-enter just to submit a corrected claim. Should just be as easy to do when a claim is rejected and have to resub...
Guest 12 months ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

Multiple days secondary insurance billing

We bill weekly, it would be nice to have once CMS form to include multiple dates. Not one at a time. example: primary claim has 5 service days- secondary should have 5 service days.
Guest 5 months ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration