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Billing & Payments

Showing 27

Report for Secondary Insurance

I would love if there would be a report for secondary insurance. The date that it was billed, the amount, the adjustments, and the status.
Guest over 1 year ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

Show to client that a credit was applied clearly to the total balance due

It would be great if client credits applied to client balance due is shown on the payment receipts and statements so that its clear to the client that a credit was applied to the total balance due.
Guest over 1 year ago in Billing & Payments 1 Future consideration

Creating Invoices

The ability to create an invoice that does not have to be attached to an appointment in order to generate. We have a policy that requires a monthly payment that is not associated with an actual appointment so the ability to do this would be great!
Guest over 1 year ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

Adding an Authorizaton - Only show assigned service types

Currently when adding an authorization, all services come up as an option to choose from, however, it would be best if the services that show as an option are only the services that have been "assigned service types". This way there is no way to c...
Guest about 2 years ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

Customizable Report Request

I need to build a report with the following fields from Billing and Remittance (Customize Report): MRN Patient Name Primary Insurance Payer Secondary Insurance Payer (if any) Claim ID Date of Service Start Date of Service End Billed Date Billed Am...
Guest 7 months ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

Non insurance related invoicing

It would be nice if I was able to create an invoice that is not attached to an appointment or required to send off to insurance for billing. For example, we collect a monthly service fee for our active clients, however, I have to use a different p...
Guest over 2 years ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

Sort dates when Printing an Invoice & Statement

Hello, It would be very helpful if there was the option to sort the dates on invoices and statements to be in chronological order, especially for printing. This has been a clients request quite often lately.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

A live hyperlink on a credit to verify where the credit originated, what invoice and what date of service.

Credit can not be traced back once they are issued. It would be helpful to be able to trace it back.
Julie Brown 9 months ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

Payment Alerts - Toggle off Therapists

Add option where clinical staff are not alerted regarding payments made to client accounts.
Guest over 1 year ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

Aging Report

It would be so helpful if myself and my biller had access to an aging report.
Guest 10 months ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration